Let’s rebuild the world of Apache Kafka® brick-by-brick through the lens of LEGO®. You’ll explore Kafka’s inventory of pieces, learn the ins and outs of core elements, and see just how they ‘click’ together with other APIs and tools. The only question left is: what will YOU make with Kafka?
Machine learning models encode many biases and amplify them, leading to various societal harms. In this talk, we discuss how biases propagate through the machine-learning pipeline and lead to harm. We also highlight existing mitigation efforts with a focus on large language models.
Flutter has been around for a few years now but is still not well-known enough. Created by Google and powered by Dart, this framework is a joy to work with. It is easy to learn, fast to develop thanks to its Hot Reload and mind-reading extensions on VS Code and also has a very supportive community.
Our increasing reliance on software solutions in fully-connected lives comes with both convenience and an increased risk to our security and privacy. DevSecOps practices and technologies strengthen software security, ensuring better protection from this growing threat landscape.
Copilot, FauxPilot, Youcompleteme, CodePal, Secondmate, you name it, nowadays we have a bunch of tools that help us write code. What is their and our role as women in tech in this exciting knowledge age?
Our diverse panel of six incredible women is ready to share their career journeys with you. Management, Gaming, HR, Movie Animation, User Interface, Machine Learning, and much more…
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